If you found out you were going to die tomorrow, what would you regret not having done?

Now there’s a somber thought. I know. But that question, “If you found out you were going to die tomorrow, what would you regret not having done in your life?” is the question that led me to finish and publish my memoir, Beyond All Imaginings.
In my life and creativity coaching practise, I have, on occasion, asked a client that question. When I asked myself the question, the answer, “FINISH THE BOOK!” screamed in my head. THE book… not the first, not the only, but THE book that is a memoir of a very strange and magical time in my life.
Sure, I was procrastinating. It’s a strange story to tell. What would people think?
BUT, the moment I asked myself the question and heard the answer, I knew it was essential to my soul to publish the story.
There are no words to describe the feeling of publishing a book that means so much to you. I’m a writer and I don’t have the words. Satisfying, contentment, peaceful, relieved, a purpose completed, frightening and fulfilling, honouring the loved ones, honouring the magic. These words don’t say enough but if I bundled them into a new word and sprinkled them with magic, that might do it.
Because it has always been a constant in my life, coaching and otherwise, to know of people who truly want to write, but who just can’t seem to get to it, I suppose it’s been a natural progression to take my passions and find a way to support more writers to get to their writing. Nobody else can tell the stories that are haunting them to be written. And the magic of writing and sharing the stories? It matters. So much.
But back to the question. Step away from my answer about writing my book. Ask yourself:
If you found out you were going to die tomorrow, what would you regret not having done?
Take a moment, listen to your answer. Might you honour that answer?
Here’s my book, with a little excerpt:
Curious? If you’d like to read more about it, pop over
If you’d like a signed copy, please let me know. I love the synchronicities and connections that seem to happen when I’m signing a book for someone! (janet@novelminds.ca)